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PHP MySQL getting overlapping dates compared to input date

I need to get the overlapping date row from DB where my entered start and end dates overlaps with any of the rows in the DB.


  FROM dates
 WHERE date_from >= $dateFrom 
   AND date_from >= $dateTill
    OR date_till >= $dateFrom 
   AND date_till <= $dateTill
    OR date_from <= $dateFrom 
   AND date_till >= $dateTill

Currently I have a row with start date: 2019-03-11 and end date 2019-03-17

And query skips it at the moment with these dates:

Beginning: 2019-03-07
End: 2019-03-16

Any ideas how can I improve the query?


  • Try this:

    SELECT *
    FROM dates
    WHERE (date_from BETWEEN $dateFrom AND $dateTill)
       OR (date_till BETWEEN $dateFrom AND $dateTill)
       OR ($dateFrom BETWEEN date_from AND date_end)

    You have to use parentheses when doing some complicated logical operations.

    Also look how logical operators work: