Has an extension function
fun <T> T.doSomething() where T: A, T: B
If there only one generic bound A
, I can use syntax (A::doSomething)(instanceOfA)
to reference to the function, but how to do this with multiple bounds?
interface A
, interface B
, and a extension function bounded with both interfaces fun <T> T.doSomething() where T: A, T: B
Now I manage to "override" doSomething
if a class extends additional interface C
, like class X: A, B, C
fun <T> T.doSomething() where T: A, T: B, T: C
inside class X
If I use doSomething()
in both "override" function directly will cause endless recursion. How can I reference to original fun <T> T.doSomething() where T: A, T: B
(like super.doSomething()
A bit ugly, but
fun <T> T.doSomething() where T: A, T: B = ...
// calls the first version of doSomething
fun <T> T.doSomethingHelper() where T: A, T: B = this.doSomething()
fun <T> T.doSomething() where T: A, T: B, T: C = ... // use doSomethingHelper() here
Without @JvmName
I get
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name&signature in class file Simplest_versionKt