I have a computed property (filteredSyms) that depends on the asynchronous computed property (allSynonyms). I am using async-computed plugin for this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-async-computed.
However, when the data gets updated the computed property doesn't wait until the result of the async property update. Therefore, I receive not up to date information. Then after the async property actually return new value computed property doesn't run update again.
How can I make it work the way that computer property waits until there is a result from the async computed property?
The code is below:
asyncComputed: {
async allSynonyms() {
let allSyns = await this.$axios.$post('/db/sym/synonyms', this.model.syms);
return allSyns;
computed: {
filteredSyms() {
let that = this;
let allSyn = this.allSynonyms;
let exactMatch = this.symsByRating.filter(
function (v) {
let isExactMatch = v.title.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(that.searchString.toLocaleLowerCase()) >= 0;
return !that.idsToFilter.includes(v.id) && isExactMatch
&& (!that.currentBodyPart || v.bodyParts.indexOf(that.currentBodyPart) >= 0)
&& that.hasMoreSubsyms(v)
&& (!allSyn || !that.containsObject(v, allSyn))
&& (v.sex == that.model.sex || v.sex == 'NA');
let partialList = [];
exactMatch.forEach(ex => partialList.push({n: 100, sym: ex}));
for (let sym of this.symsByRating ) {
let searchWords = this.searchString.toLocaleLowerCase().split(' ');
let symWords = sym.title.toLocaleLowerCase().split(' ');
let n = 0;
let isPartialMatch = false;
symLoop:for (let symWord of symWords) {
symWord = symWord.substring(0, symWord.length - 1);
for (let searchWord of searchWords) {
// don't count last letters of the words
searchWord = searchWord.substring(0, searchWord.length - 1);
if (searchWord.length > 2 && symWord.indexOf(searchWord) >= 0) {
isPartialMatch = true;
if (exactMatch.indexOf(sym) < 0 && isPartialMatch
&& (!this.currentBodyPart || sym.bodyParts.indexOf(this.currentBodyPart) >= 0)
&& this.hasMoreSubsyms(sym)
&& (!allSyn || !this.containsObject(sym, allSyn))
&& (sym.sex == that.model.sex || sym.sex == 'NA')) {
partialList.push({n: n, sym: sym});
partialList.sort(function(obj1, obj2) {
return obj2.n - obj1.n;
if (this.searchString && this.searchString != '') {
partialList = this.filterSynonyms(partialList);
let fs = partialList.map(ws => ws.sym);
return fs;
A lot of stuff is going on the filtered method, but I guess the main point here that it is using this.allSynonyms to do the check but it is not updated at the time filteredSyms is executed.
Thanks for your suggestions!
(I haven't really tested this out, but it should work.)
vue-async-computed does provide the status in this.$asyncComputed.allSynonyms.success
try adding this.$asyncComputed.allSynonyms.success
as a dependencies to filteredSyms
and it should update when success state change.