I am writing pact testing for provider. I have written a class. While running as JUNIT , i am getting exception, "Exactly one pact source should be set"" Could you please help ?
this is my code..
@PactUrl(urls = {"file:///pacts/PersonalisationServiceContractTest-CourierProfileController.json"})
@PactBroker(host = "${pact.broker.host:pact.hermescloud.co.uk}",
port = "${pact.broker.port:443}",
protocol = "${pact.broker.protocol:https}",
tags = "${pactbroker.tags:master}")
classes = Application.class,
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
properties = {.....
public class CourierProfilePactProviderTestIT {
Looks like you've specified both @PactBroker and @PactUrl. Both of these are flags to tell the framework where to fetch pacts from. You should use just one of these (probably the broker in most cases)