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How to prevent opening /tmp files with knitr using nvim-r and rstan

I'm using R in neovim with nvim-r to knit Rmd documents using the \kh or \kp commands. The problem is when I knit an Rmd that fits an Rstan model, it prints the output of the Rstan sampling() call including the progress of the chains in a separate, temporary file at this location:


that contains this output:

Click the Refresh button to see progress of the chains starting worker pid=17045 on localhost:11515 at 14:31:54.447 starting worker pid=17070 on localhost:11515 at 14:31:54.670

and it opens that html file in my browser. The result is that my browser keeps popping open every time a new model starts sampling. This only happens when I parallelize the chains using options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()). The html files do not pop open without that command.

Is it possible to prevent nvim-r from opening these temporary html files or is it possible to silence the chain output from Rstan?

Minimal example:


options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())


model <- stan_model(model_code = "
data {
    int n;
    vector[n] conc;
    vector[n] density;
parameters {
    real b0;
    real b1;
    real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
    conc ~ normal(b0 + b1 * (density), sigma);
    b0 ~ normal(0, 10);
    b1 ~ normal(0, 10);
    sigma ~ normal(0, 10);

fit <- sampling(model, data = list(n = nrow(DNase),
                       conc = DNase$conc, 
                       density = DNase$density))

EDIT: I've tried adding results="hide" to the chunk header and refresh = 0 to the sampling() call based on this answer to no avail. refresh = 0 does succeed in removing the starting worker... part of the message, but it still opens an html file that says Click the Refresh button to see progress of the chains.


  • Adding open_progress = FALSE to sampling() prevents stan from saving the progress of the chains to a log file. The default, open_progress = TRUE only takes effect when cores > 1. From the rstan reference. Example:

    sampling(model, open_progress = FALSE)