I have different playbooks defined, using the same ROLE. In one of the ROLE templates, I have to write the IP address of a specific NIC card, which is defined in my playbook because it depends on the host.
So, In my playbook I have defined this var:
# NIC I want to use
- nic_card: ens192
And in my ROLE main.yml file, I tried to do that:
host_specific_address: "{{ ansible_facts['ansible_{{ nic_card }}']['ipv4']['address'] }}"
As you can see I tried to define the host_specific_address using ansible_facts and nic_card var.
Unfortunately that didn't work as expected. I tried other combinaisons but I think I'm on the wrong way.
How can I access a specific NIC IP address based on a var defined in my playbook?
Thank you for your help!
specific_address: "{{ ansible_facts[nic_card]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
Specifying a literal string = some_dict['key_name']
versus specifying a key based on a string stored in a variable = some_dict[var_containing_key_string]