Search code examples

How to add error trap on my code that would ignore a null value extracted from my ms Access Database?

How can i make an error trap that would ignore any null value extracted from ms access database)?

i want my program to just ignore any null value returned and just continue as i don't have a problem for a blank data to be showed on my form.

in this code, the error highlights
.SubItems(6) = rs3!Regularization_Date

because Regularization_Date is blank on my databse. i want my program to just ignore this one and continue filling out my listview with all the data there is to show.

 Private Function SearchData()


Sql = "SELECT * FROM All_Employees WHERE ID LIKE '" & (Text1.Text) & "'"

Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset
rs3.Open Sql, con3, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If Not rs3.EOF Then
 Do Until rs3.EOF
Set lst1 = Result.ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , rs3!ID)

    With lst1

     .SubItems(1) = rs3!Lastname
     .SubItems(2) = rs3!FirstName
     .SubItems(3) = rs3!Position
    .SubItems(4) = rs3!Date_hired
    .SubItems(5) = rs3!Employment_Status
    *.SubItems(6) = rs3!Regularization_Date*
    .SubItems(7) = rs3!Office_email
    .SubItems(8) = rs3!Shift_Start
    .SubItems(9) = rs3!Shift_End
    End With

End If
Set rs3 = Nothing
End Function

i just want an errortrap that would ignore all null values.


  • If you just want to ignore the error, you could use On Error Resume Next

    Private Function SearchData()
    Sql = "SELECT * FROM All_Employees WHERE ID LIKE '" & (Text1.Text) & "'"
    **On Error Resume Next**
    Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset
    rs3.Open Sql, con3, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    If Not rs3.EOF Then
     Do Until rs3.EOF
    Set lst1 = Result.ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , rs3!ID)
        With lst1
         .SubItems(1) = rs3!Lastname
         .SubItems(2) = rs3!FirstName
         .SubItems(3) = rs3!Position
        .SubItems(4) = rs3!Date_hired
        .SubItems(5) = rs3!Employment_Status
        *.SubItems(6) = rs3!Regularization_Date*
        .SubItems(7) = rs3!Office_email
        .SubItems(8) = rs3!Shift_Start
        .SubItems(9) = rs3!Shift_End
        End With
    End If
    Set rs3 = Nothing
    End Function