I have the following code that throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [org.hibernate.query.criteria.internal.expression.function.CurrentTimestampFunction@30cb223b] did not match expected type [java.util.Date (n/a)]
open fun delete(entity: E) {
val cb = em.criteriaBuilder
// create update query
val query = cb.createCriteriaUpdate(Entity::class.java)
val updateEntity = query.from(Entity::class.java)
// set update and where clause
query.set("deletedOn", cb.currentTimestamp()) // <- problem exhibited due to this line
query.where(cb.equal(updateEntity.get<Long>("id"), entity.id))
// perform update
The error is due to when I use CriteriaBuilder's currentTimestamp()
. In Hibernate's QueryParameterBindingValidator
in validate(Type paramType, Object bind, TemporalType temporalType)
there's this line
final Class parameterType = paramType.getReturnedClass();
The entity's deletedOn
is of type Timestamp
. paramType
refers to that field and is of type TimestampType
(coming from Hibernate). When getReturnedClass()
is called, it returns java.util.Date
(I guess because that's the base type?). Unfortunately then the type mismatch occurs with the expression cb.currentTimestamp()
and the error is thrown.
I could not find a working example online of how to use currentTimestamp()
from CriteriaBuilder to achieve this task.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I found that using this line will make it work.
query.set(updateEntity.get<Timestamp>("deletedOn"), cb.currentTimestamp())