It's my first topic question, thanks in advance for your help and the time you spend to read me
I work under NP++ to try some Regex
I would like to get transformed those lines (from) into those formatted lines (to) with one more attractive and smarter regex than mine below (see Unattractive solution)
(from) => (to)
H04B0001240000; => H04B 1/24;
H04B0010300000; => H04B 10/30;
H04B0011301000; => H04B 11/301;
H04B0111300000; => H04B 111/30;
H04B0101303400; => H04B 101/3034;
H04B0100300010; => H04B 100/30001;
H04B0110300000; => H04B 110/30;
-For a given code, the rules are
-Cut into three parts 4, 4 and 6
H04B 0001/240000;
-Withdraw all padding 0s at the beginning of the second group (the second group should have at least one digit)
H04B 1/240000;
-Withdraw all padding 0s at the end of the third group (the third group should have at least two digits)
H04B 1/24;
So the deemed useless 0s are at the beginning of the second group and at the end of third group. The number of padding 0s is varying...
Under NP++, I found a solution that I find unattractive
In 'Search' field :
In 'Replace' field :
\1 \3\4\5\/\6\7\8
Explanations with H04B 0001/240000;
means one capital letter from A to Z, matchs the last letter of the first group (H04B
should matchs 0002 or 0020 or 0201 but not 2011. It concerns detection of the second group (0001
concerns the third group of 6 digits (240000
) with with the intention of discard all padding 0s at the end. The third group should have at least two digits ([0-9] {2})
Do you know a more attractive and smarter Regex to reach the aimed result ?
You can do it like this
( \S{4} ) # (1)
( \d \d*? ) # (2)
(?<= ^ .{8} )
( # (3 start)
) # (3 end)
; # Or, (?<= ^ .{14} )
Or, like this
( \S{4} ) # (1)
( \d \d*? ) # (2)
(?<= ^ .{8} )
( # (3 start)
) # (3 end)
(?<= ^ .{14} )