I have to write an ASP page that has connection to 1 database and then queries two tables one which has the header detail in and then the second which has the order lines in, each table has a ORDER_NUMNER.
These Tables contain a sales orders which I need to print out into an HTML page any help on this would be great as ASP is not my main language.
In general:
Instantiate and open your database connection: (see www.connectionstrings.com for more information)
dim conn
conn.open "your connection string goes here"
Open a recordset for the master table and detail table:
dim rst
rst.open "select * from tblMaster left join tblDetail on tblMaster.ORDER_NUMBER = tblDetail.ORDER_NUMBER where ORDER_NUMBER = 4",conn,1,3
Exit out of there are not records
if rst.eof then
end if
Print header info (for fields order_date, order_number, and order_company:
response.write "Company: " & rst.fields("order_company") & "<br>"
response.write "Date: " & rst.fields("order_date") & "<br>"
response.write "Order Number: " & rst.fields("order_number") & "<br>"
Loop through records, reading all records from detail table: (for fields item_desc, item_qty, item_cost)
while not rst.eof
response.write "Item: " & rst.fields("item_desc") & "<br>"
response.write "Qty: " & rst.fields("item_qty") & "<br>"
response.write "Cost: " & rst.fields("item_cost") & "<br>"
Close the recordset
Close the connection