Search code examples

org.apache.storm.utils.NimbusLeaderNotFoundException: Could not find leader nimbus from seed hosts

I am getting the below message.

Could not find leader nimbus from seed hosts [master]. Did you specify a valid list of nimbus hosts for config nimbus.seeds?

Delete storm under zookeeper.try to use hostname or ip in nimbus.seeds

storm.zookeeper.servers :
 - "master"
 - "salve1"
 - "salve2"
storm.zookeeper.port : 2181
nimbus.seeds : ["master"]
nimbus.thrift.port : 6690
storm.local.dir : "/root/storm"
supervisor.slots.ports :
  - 6700
  - 6701
  - 6702
  - 6703

Why this can happen?


  • Make sure Zookeeper is running, and is accessible on the machine you're running the command from. You can check this with curl. On the machine you're starting your storm command from, try running curl master:2181. You should get an empty reply.


    $ curl localhost:2181
    curl: (52) Empty reply from server

    Do the same for the two other hosts you run Zookeeper on.

    Then make sure curl master:6690 also returns an empty reply, since that is the Thrift port you've configured.

    If you are getting connection refused on either command, you need to fix your network setup, so the machines can talk to each other.