I have a large cmake controlled project in which I want a part to use the scxml state machine from qt. My question is the following:
How can i add the scxml module without having a pro file which i understand does not work with cmake?
Something like:
QT += scxm
Bisides to adding Scxml to find_package(...)
macro, additional CMake steps are required to integrate Qt SCXML into your application:
# Add package
find_package(Qt5 5.10 REQUIRED Core Scxml)
# Link libraries
target_link_libraries(myapp-lib Qt5::Core Qt5::Scxml)
# Process your *.scsml files with Qt SCXML Compiler (qscxmlc)
qt5_add_statecharts(QT_SCXML_COMPILED chart1.scxml chart2.scxml)
# Add to executable
add_executable(myapp main.cpp ${QT_SCXML_COMPILED})