I have a column in a pandas data frame that is formatted like
f1 d3 a4 0a d0 6a 4b 4a 83 d4 4f c9 1f 15 11 17
and I want to convert it to look like:
I know I can use replace(" ", "")
to take the whitespace out, but I am not sure how to insert the hyphens in the exact spots that I need them.
I am also not sure how to apply it to a pandas series object.
Any help would be appreciated!
This looks like a UUID, so I'd just use that module
>>> import uuid
>>> s = 'f1 d3 a4 0a d0 6a 4b 4a 83 d4 4f c9 1f 15 11 17'
>>> uuid.UUID(''.join(s.split()))
>>> str(uuid.UUID(''.join(s.split())))
df = pd.DataFrame({'col':['f1 d3 a4 0a d0 6a 4b 4a 83 d4 4f c9 1f 15 11 17',
'f1 d3 a4 0a d0 6a 4b 4a 83 d4 4f c9 1f 15 11 17']})
df['col'] = df['col'].str.split().str.join('').apply(uuid.UUID)
print (df)
0 f1d3a40a-d06a-4b4a-83d4-4fc91f151117
1 f1d3a40a-d06a-4b4a-83d4-4fc91f151117