I am looking for a simple answer to a simple question but I have yet to find a straight forward answer.
For the Hamming code sequence (7 4), it can either do 1-bit detection and correction or 2-bit error detection.
I would like to know the same thing for the (255 247) Hamming sequence. If there is an algorithm to work this out I would very much appreciate it as I am interested in knowing this information for the other Hamming sequences.
Is there also perhaps a C code example for (255 247) encoding exclusively?
The minimum hamming distance determines the error detection/correction capabilities of a code.
Hamming codes (eg. Hamming(7,4) or Hamming(255,247)) have a hamming distance of 3 (d = 3
), so can detect 2-bit errors (d - 1 = 2
) or correct 1-bit errors ((d - 1) / 2 = 1