I'm been stuck on how to use this OVH's call call to obtain the MAC that has been assigned for the task. The problem is, I can't seem to successfully guess what the required "ip" parameter of type "ipBlock" is.
193.xx.x.115: My dedicated server running many containers
151.zz.z.192/27: The IP address block that we have purchased from OVH to assign a public IP address to each container
151.zz.z.219: An existing container that has recently had a vMAC allocation task complete (source of taskId)
URL = "/ip/" + 151.zz.z.192/27 + "/task/" + taskID
throws ovh.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: Got an invalid (or empty) URL
URL = "/ip/" + 151.zz.z.192 + "/task/" + taskID
throws ovh.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: The requested object (ip = does not exist
URL = "/ip/" + 151.zz.z.219 + "/task/" + taskID
throws ovh.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: The requested object (ip = does not exist
URL = "/ip/" + 193.xx.x.115 + "/task/" + taskID
throws ovh.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: The requested object (taskId = 127250060) does not exist
I am starting to wonder whether this API call works with vMACs at all. The only time it finds the URL and resource valid is when I point it directly at the dedicated server and not the IP block that's allocated for the containers or a CT address.
At the same time though, this seems less likely when we consider that I've successfully used another API call just before that to assign a vMac to the same container IP address.
Is there any advice you can offer? Thanks in advance.
The valid format of ipBlock is the kind you get returned from the /ip/
call. In your case: 151.zz.z.192/27
From my experiments, it does not look like the tasks under /ip/...
include the vmac creation tasks. I tried creating several vmacs, and the associated tasks show up at: /dedicated/server/{serviceName}/task
You can get the done status from there, (/dedicated/server/{serviceName}/task/{taskId}
, specifically), but that does not include the generated MAC.
There is one endpoint that shows all virtual MACs. Maybe you can use that one for your purposes: /dedicated/server/{serviceName}/virtualMac