Is there any way to group the captions in the chart? Attach an image with an example. What I wanted is, in the red line enter an enter ("\ n" or "br"). It's possible? Thank you
You can wrap layoutItem function in Highcharts.Legend.prototype and start a new line when a fake newLine property will be found in series options:
// If the item exceeds the width, start a new line
if (
horizontal &&
this.itemX - padding + itemWidth > maxLegendWidth ||
) {
this.itemX = padding;
this.itemY += itemMarginTop + this.lastLineHeight +
this.lastLineHeight = 0; // reset for next line (#915, #3976)
You should put this property in the series which you want to start from the new line:
, {
name: 'Manufacturing1',
data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658, 9031, 119931, 137133, 54175],
newLine: true
jsFiddle (working for v10.2.1 and lower):