I'm using NSOutlineView with a Text Field / Text Field Cell as show in the images below:
The code for the sent action function:
@IBAction func handleTextFieldDidEndEditing(_ sender: Any) {
print("LeftNavBarOutlineView selectedRow: \(self.selectedRow)")
print("LeftNavBarOutlineView editedRow: \(self.editedRow)")
print("LeftNavBarOutlineView selectedRowIndexes.count: \(self.selectedRowIndexes.count)")
let taskName = (sender as! NSTextField).stringValue
print("LeftNavBarOutlineView " + taskName)
The printout result:
LeftNavBarOutlineView selectedRow: -1
LeftNavBarOutlineView editedRow: -1
LeftNavBarOutlineView selectedRowIndexes.count: 0
The problem:
"sender" object is an NSTextField instance. I need to retrieve the "item" as returned by my func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, child index: Int, ofItem item: Any?) -> Any
I either need to get the "item" directly, or the row index (which I can retrieve the "item" from my map-dictionary)
Since the "sender" is an NSTextField, how can I find out what is the row (or "item") which has just been edited?
Get the row with row(for view
and the item with item(atRow
@IBAction func handleTextFieldDidEndEditing(_ sender: NSTextField) {
let row = outlineView.row(for: sender)
let item = outlineView.item(atRow: row)
is the NSOutlineView