I'm trying to upload some files to my bucket on S3 through boto3 on Python.
These files name are websites addresses (for example www.google.com/gmail).
I want the file name to be the website address, but in fact it creates a folder with name "www.google.com" and inside the uploaded file with name "gmail"
I tried to solve it with double slash and backslash before the trailing slash, but it didn't work.
Is there any way to ignore the trailing slash and upload a file that its name is a website address?
You are misunderstanding S3 - it does not actually have a "folder" structure. Every object in a bucket has a unique key, and the object is accessed via that key.
Some S3 utilities (including to be fair the AWS console) fake up a "folder" structure, but this isn't too relevant to how S3 works.
Or in other words, don't worry about it. Just create the object with /
in its key and everything will work as you expect.