I am trying to get CPU utilization of virtual machines using azure python APIs. like if a virtual machine has 2 cpus, i need overall utilization (means cpu1+ cpu2).
What are the possible methods to get cpu utilization of virtual machines?
Possibly you could use Azure Monitoring libraries for python to obtain the Percentage CPU metric on Azure VMs. Install azure-mgmt-monitor package and call the list methods in MetricsOperations class
import datetime
from azure.mgmt.monitor import MonitorManagementClient
# Get the ARM id of your resource. You might chose to do a "get"
# using the according management or to build the URL directly
# Example for a ARM VM
resource_id = (
).format(subscription_id, resource_group_name, vm_name)
# create client
client = MonitorManagementClient(
# You can get the available metrics of this specific resource
for metric in client.metric_definitions.list(resource_id):
# azure.monitor.models.MetricDefinition
print("{}: id={}, unit={}".format(
# Example of result for a VM:
# Percentage CPU: id=Percentage CPU, unit=Unit.percent
# Network In: id=Network In, unit=Unit.bytes
# Network Out: id=Network Out, unit=Unit.bytes
# Disk Read Bytes: id=Disk Read Bytes, unit=Unit.bytes
# Disk Write Bytes: id=Disk Write Bytes, unit=Unit.bytes
# Disk Read Operations/Sec: id=Disk Read Operations/Sec, unit=Unit.count_per_second
# Disk Write Operations/Sec: id=Disk Write Operations/Sec, unit=Unit.count_per_second
# Get CPU total of yesterday for this VM, by hour
today = datetime.datetime.now().date()
yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
metrics_data = client.metrics.list(
timespan="{}/{}".format(yesterday, today),
metric='Percentage CPU',
for item in metrics_data.value:
# azure.mgmt.monitor.models.Metric
print("{} ({})".format(item.name.localized_value, item.unit.name))
for timeserie in item.timeseries:
for data in timeserie.data:
# azure.mgmt.monitor.models.MetricData
print("{}: {}".format(data.time_stamp, data.total))
# Example of result:
# Percentage CPU (percent)
# 2016-11-16 00:00:00+00:00: 72.0
# 2016-11-16 01:00:00+00:00: 90.59
# 2016-11-16 02:00:00+00:00: 60.58
# 2016-11-16 03:00:00+00:00: 65.78
# 2016-11-16 04:00:00+00:00: 43.96
# 2016-11-16 05:00:00+00:00: 43.96
# 2016-11-16 06:00:00+00:00: 114.9
# 2016-11-16 07:00:00+00:00: 45.4