I am trying to use a for loop to download all the data at this web address from 2013 to 2009.
The web adress:
My code is this:
year = 2006
max_year = 2019
host = "http://data.wa.aemo.com.au/datafiles/balancing-summary/balancing-summary-"
ending = ".csv"
while year < max_year:
url = host + str(year)
urllib.urlretrieve(url, url.lstrip(host))
print("Done" + url)
However it is not downloading the data, but I don't get an error when the script runs?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You forgot to increment the year in your while loop. you also forgot "ending" in url variable. This seems to work for me.
year = 2006
max_year = 2019
host = "http://data.wa.aemo.com.au/datafiles/balancing-summary/balancing-summary-"
ending = ".csv"
while year < max_year:
url = host + str(year)+ending
print("Done" + url)
year +=1