I need to run the following query in MongoDB in my C# code. I use MongoDB.Driver 2.7.2 and MongoDB 4.0.
I would like to use $lookup rather than $project / $unwind in order to prevent naming each one of the collection's possible fields.
{ "$match" : { "Id" : 1 } },
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "Collection2",
"let": { collection1Id : "$Id" },
"pipeline": [
{ $match:
{ $expr:
{ $and:
{ $eq : [ "$Collection1Id", "$$collection2Id" ] },
{ $in : [ "$_id" , [1, 2, 3]] }
"as": "item"
I expect the output of Collection1 joined with Collection2 under multiple join conditions.
As you didn't specify a particular class mapping and example documents, below answer will use BsonDocument
type and example data from the manual $lookup: specify multiple join conditions with lookup
BsonArray subpipeline = new BsonArray();
new BsonDocument("$match",new BsonDocument(
"$expr", new BsonDocument(
"$and", new BsonArray {
new BsonDocument("$eq", new BsonArray{"$stock_item", "$$order_item"} ),
new BsonDocument("$gte", new BsonArray{"$instock", "$$order_qty"} )
var lookup = new BsonDocument("$lookup",
new BsonDocument("from", "warehouses")
new BsonDocument("order_item", "$item")
.Add("order_qty", "$ordered"))
.Add("pipeline", subpipeline)
.Add("as", "stockdata")
var results = collection.Aggregate()
.Match(new BsonDocument("_id", 1))
foreach (var x in results)
Please note that support for more expressive $lookup using PipelineDefinitionBuilder is coming for version 2.8.x. For more information see CSHARP-2013