we are trying to create a app that shows the user messages. Here are some example messages:
We are getting these strings from our database. (Our first attempt was to make a class, with different functions, that gave us back the strings. We used string interpolation. Then we realized that this is no good option, because the users can't create contents/strings by themselves and we have to update our app every time we create a few more strings in this class.)
The options we know:
String.format: something like that:
string result = string.Format("{1} blalbal...- {2}blabla... {3}", value1, value2, value3);
The problem here: We want to use strings with different positions of the input like in our examples. Sometimes the first one is the playername, sometimes it is the clubname...
You can simply store the string format in the database, the order of the variables doesn't need to be consistent?
SQL Database
"You have an offer for {0} from {1}. They would pay {2}."
"{1} would like to buy {0} for {2}."
You could even leave out arguments if you wanted.
"{1} would like to buy {0}, they would like to discuss pricing."
string format = GetStringFromDatabase(someIdentifier);
string message = String.Format(format, PlayerName, Offerclub, Offer);