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UIViewController dismiss issue

I want to wait until dismiss animation completes but I don't want to use many blocks in my code, so I wrote this function in UIViewController extension (almost like this worked several years ago for me):

func dismissAnimated() {
   var comleted: Bool = false
   self.dismiss(animated: true) {
      comleted = true

   while !comleted { RunLoop.Mode.common, before: Date.distantFuture)

so now instead of:

viewController.dismiss(animated: true) {
    // code after completion

I was supposed to write:

// code after completion

But it doesn't dismiss view controller and doesn't enter into completion block.

I tried different RunLoop modes, tried different dates, tried inserting into while condition, it didn't work. Any ideas how to accomplish this?


And it worked on iOS 9 or something like this (may be with some code changes, because I can't find my source code). I start to avoid blocking main thread. For instance, if I put completed = true in DispatchQue.main.asyncAfter , it will work, the issue is with dismiss


  • I tried again because I was curious and this solution actually works for me:

    @objc private func dismissTapped() {
        let dismissalTime = dismissAnimated()
        print("Dismissal took: %ld", abs(dismissalTime))
    private func dismissAnimated() -> TimeInterval {
        let startDate = Date()
        var completed = false
        self.dismiss(animated: true) {
            completed = true
        while !completed {
   .default, before: .distantFuture)
        return startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow

    iOS 12.1.2 | Swift 4.2