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p-values from ridge regression in python

I'm using ridge regression (ridgeCV). And I've imported it from: from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, RidgeCV, LarsCV, Ridge, Lasso, LassoCV

How do I extract the p-values? I checked but ridge has no object called summary.

I couldn't find any page which discusses this for python (found one for R).

alphas = np.linspace(.00001, 2, 1)
rr_scaled = RidgeCV(alphas = alphas, cv =5, normalize = True), Y_train)


  • You can use the regressors package to output p values using:

    from regressors import stats    
    stats.coef_pval(rr_scaled, X_train, Y_train)

    You can also print out a regression summary (containing std errors, t values, p values, R^2) using:

    stats.summary(rr_scaled, X_train, Y_train)


    df = pd.DataFrame({'y':np.random.randn(10), 'x1':np.random.randn(10), 'x2':np.random.randn(10)})
    #           y        x1        x2
    # 0 -0.228546  0.133703  0.624039
    # 1 -1.005794  1.064283  1.527229
    # 2 -2.180160 -1.485611 -0.471199
    # 3 -0.683695 -0.213433 -0.692055
    # 4 -0.451981 -0.133173  0.995683
    # 5 -0.166878 -0.384913  0.255065
    # 6  0.816602 -0.380910  0.381321
    # 7 -0.408240  1.116328  1.163418
    # 8 -0.899570 -1.055483 -0.470597
    # 9  0.926600 -1.497506 -0.523385
    X_train = df[['x1','x2']]
    Y_train = df.y
    alphas = np.linspace(.00001, 2, 1)
    rr_scaled = RidgeCV(alphas = alphas, cv =5, normalize = True), Y_train)

    Calling stats.coef_pval:

    stats.coef_pval(rr_scaled, X_train, Y_train)
    # array([0.17324576, 0.77225007, 0.74614808])

    Now, calling stats.summary:

    stats.summary(rr_scaled, X_train, Y_train)
    # Residuals:
    # Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
    # -1.3347 -0.2368  0.0038  0.3636  1.7804
    # Coefficients:
    #             Estimate  Std. Error  t value   p value
    # _intercept -0.522607    0.353333  -1.4791  0.173246
    # x1         -0.143694    0.481720  -0.2983  0.772250
    # x2          0.192431    0.576419   0.3338  0.746148
    # ---
    # R-squared:  0.00822,    Adjusted R-squared:  -0.27515
    # F-statistic: 0.03 on 2 features