I have a multi-process TCPServer which creates (by fork() on linux) one process (child) per client's request, and in the meanwhile it is listening other connection's request. So I have a 1 to 1 mapping between client and server. Suppose that one client crashes...is it possible to reconnect it to the same child server process?In other terms..is it possible to restore a pre-exhistent connection which is failed or the attempts to reconnect create a new connection (and then a new child server process)? thank you...
Without some knowledge (by the forker) of the interior session-related details (of the forkee), you have to make assumptions about external details being adequate to determine which remote connections get re-associated with which local connection end-points.
You could change the way things work in your application, though. Oracle SQL*Net does this on some platforms (due to platform limitations).
The initial connection to the TCPServer causes a fork and then opens up a new listening socket
, sends back a redirection instruction to connect to the new listening socket & identifying details (to avoid someone else connecting and impersonating the original connector). The client then connects to the new socket, and uses this socket to do any re-connections upon disconnects before their time.