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PEAR and pirum and package.xml

Not terribly familiar with any inner workings of PEAR. But I have installed pirum onto a folder on my host to distribute Magento Extensions outside of Magento Connect.
Basically the channel is set up and I can see it with channel-discover.
When I try to add my package which lets say is Package-1.0.0.tgz. I get The PEAR package does not have a package.xml file. (InvalidArgumentException, 0) There is a package.xml inside the tar...I put the same package.xml in the same directory as Package-1.0.0.tgz that I'm trying to add. But it just errors out. I'm really at a loss to what I'm doing wrong but I imagine its my lack of knowledge of packaging pear extensions. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Create the package with "pear package", do not targz it yourself.