Our mail server stopped to listen on 587 from our workplace.
We restarted it twice and we are now watching the logs.
It seems that we loose the tcp connection, I want to see when it happen so I can finally get to the error.
For this reason, I am looking to test in loop that the tcp connection is open, until it crash. How can I achieve this?
Is this reliable:
while nc -z hostname port; do sleep 5; done
It sounds like it will only test once when I run nc -z mail.gmail.com 587
and nc -z mail.gmail.com 588
I don't get the error code I am expecting for each case.
I am not sure I understand what you're asking exactly, but lets hope this is what you mean!
As google.com my not fail, I would recommend disconnect your internet to test. Use your IP instead of google.com and your port instead of 80.
for i in `seq 1 10`;
nc -z -w 1 google.com 80 &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo OK
echo FAIL