Search code examples

How to throttle TextEditingController listener events in Dart 2 - Flutter

I am wondering if there's some built in function that I might have missed. I tried to find something similar, but the only package I found (throttle) is not supported for Dart 2 anymore

Here's the part of the code I wanted to throttle

final TextEditingController _filter = new TextEditingController();
String _searchText = "";

_filter.addListener(() {
      if (_filter.text.isEmpty) {
        setState(() {
          _searchText = "";
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _searchText = _filter.text;
      //This action is being fired TOO many times :(

Any ideas on that?


  • I'd use throttle or debounce from rxdart

    on rxdart 0.22.x using Observable

    final TextEditingController _filter = new TextEditingController();
    String _searchText = "";
    final _textUpdates = StreamController<String>();
    _filter.addListener(() => _textUpdates.add(_filter.text));
    .throttle(const Duration(milliseconds: 700))
    .forEach((s) {
      if (s.isEmpty) {
        setState(() {
          _searchText = "";
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _searchText = s;
      //This action is being fired TOO many times :(

    on rxdart 0.23.x and onwards

    final TextEditingController _filter = new TextEditingController();
    String _searchText = "";
    final _textUpdates = StreamController<String>();
    _filter.addListener(() => _textUpdates.add(_filter.text));
    .throttle(const Duration(milliseconds: 700))
    .forEach((s) {
      if (s.isEmpty) {
        setState(() {
          _searchText = "";
      } else {
        setState(() {
          _searchText = s;
      //This action is being fired TOO many times :(

    See also