I'm trying to find any python library or package which implements newgrnn (Generalized Regression Neural Network) using python.
Is there any package or library available where I can use neural network for regression. I'm trying to find python equivalent of the newgrnn (Generalized Regression Neural Network) which is described here.
I found the library neupy which solved my problem:
from neupy import algorithms
from neupy.algorithms.rbfn.utils import pdf_between_data
grnn = algorithms.GRNN(std=0.003)
grnn.train(X, y)
# In this part of the code you can do any moifications you want
ratios = pdf_between_data(grnn.input_train, X, grnn.std)
predicted = (np.dot(grnn.target_train.T, ratios) / ratios.sum(axis=0)).T
This is the link for the library: http://neupy.com/apidocs/neupy.algorithms.rbfn.grnn.html