I have the following params
:params "userId":"15229100-b20e-11e3-80d3-6150cb20a1b9",
"statements":[{"text":"oranges apples bananas","concepts":["orange","apple","banana"],
"mentions":[],"timestamp":15481867295710000,"name":"# banana","uid":"34232870-1e7f-11e9-8609-a7f6b478c007",
Then when I make the following query:
MATCH (u:User {uid: $userId})
UNWIND $contextNames as contextName
MERGE (context:Context {name:contextName.name,by:u.uid,uid:contextName.uid})
ON CREATE SET context.timestamp=$timestamp
MERGE (context)-[:BY{timestamp:$timestamp}]->(u)
WITH u, context
UNWIND $statements as statement
CREATE (s:Statement {name:statement.name, text:statement.text, uid:statement.uid, timestamp:statement.timestamp})
CREATE (s)-[:BY {context:context.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp}]->(u)
CREATE (s)-[:IN {user:u.id,timestamp:s.timestamp}]->(context)
WITH u, s, context, statement
FOREACH (conceptName in statement.uniqueconcepts |
MERGE (c:Concept {name:conceptName}) ON CREATE SET c.uid=apoc.create.uuid()
CREATE (c)-[:BY {context:context.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp,statement:s.suid}]->(u)
CREATE (c)-[:OF {context:context.uid,user:u.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp}]->(s)
CREATE (c)-[:AT {user:u.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp,context:context.uid,statement:s.uid}]->(context) )
WITH u, s
UNWIND $conceptsRelations as conceptsRelation MATCH (c_from:Concept{name: conceptsRelation.from}) MATCH (c_to:Concept{name: conceptsRelation.to})
CREATE (c_from)-[:TO {context:conceptsRelation.context,statement:conceptsRelation.statement,user:u.uid,timestamp:conceptsRelation.timestamp, uid:apoc.create.uuid(), gapscan:conceptsRelation.gapscan, weight: conceptsRelation.weight}]->(c_to)
But when I run it, I get this error:
Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof
Anybody knows why it's coming up? My params
seem to be set correctly, I didn't see they couldn't be used in this way... Thanks!
Looks like the problem is here:
FOREACH (conceptName in statement.uniqueconcepts |
MERGE (c:Concept {name:conceptName})
in your parameter is a list of objects, not a list of strings, so when attempting to MERGE conceptName, it errors out as conceptName isn't a primitive type (or array or primitive types). I think you'll want to use uniqueConcept
instead of conceptName
, and in your MERGE use name:uniqueConcept.name
. Check for other usages of the elements of statement.uniqueconcepts.