I'm tying to get get the grandparentparent directory of my gulpfile.js
This is my folder structure : airi\Gulp\gulpfile.js
I want to get the folder with name airi
gulp.task('serve', ['sass'], function () {
proxy: "http://localhost/" + var_that_stores_name_airi,
would be my variable that contains the folder name I want ( ie: airi ).I want this so that I can append it my browsersync proxy url.
How do I do this in gulp ? Thanks
If you want to be fancy, this will do it:
const path = require('path');
let dir = path.relative(path.parse(path.dirname(__dirname)).dir, path.parse(__dirname).dir)
or try the simpler
let dir = path.parse(path.resolve(__dirname, '../')).name;
[Thanks to @DerekNguyen's excellent comment below.]
This will also do it:
const path = require('path');
let dir = __dirname.split(path.sep);
dir = dir[dir.length - 2];
console.log("dir = " + dir);
gulp.task('serve', ['sass'], function () {
let dir = __dirname.split(path.sep);
dir = dir[dir.length - 2];
proxy: "http://localhost/" + dir,