Is it possible to sort the lines in a transaction by item (or some other column field)? We often receive very large orders from our customers and the items are in a more or less random order. When we receive said items from our vendors, the items come in numerical order by part number. It's very difficult for our logistics to receive them when our purchase order is in random order but the items came numerically. Is there any way for me to sort the purchase order by item #?
Re-sorting transaction lines is possible but quite prone to breaking. Until Netsuite actually supports it my recommendation would be to not spend time trying to re-sort lines.
About the only place it's safe to do that is on a Sales Order in the before Submit phase. Generally a sales order is the start of a whole chain of related transactions. Some of these relations are visible from fields and some are hidden. There is no api to re-sort the lines so the the way to get them sorted is to cache the lines in memory; clear the lines from the sales order; and then re-insert the lines in the desired order.
You have to make sure you capture everything and that you account for future customizations in your code.
So the alternative of supplying a sorted UI to aid fulfillments and receipts is much more reliable. Some of the ways I've done that include: