This might be simple question to some, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to apply options
property for SDWebImagePrefetcher
Thus far I set it up to fetch some urls with completion block
urls as [URL],
progress: nil,
completed: { finished, skipped in
I think options are set up like this? But I am not sure what needs to come instead of /* ? */
in order to enable one of the options SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly
SDWebImagePrefetcher.shared.options = /* ? */
is of type SDWebImageOptions
, which is declared using the NS_OPTIONS
macro. This means you can combine options using the bitwise or operator in Objective-C:
SDWebImagePrefetcher.shared.options = SDWebImageRetryFailed | SDWebImageLowPriority; // etc
Or like this in Swift:
SDWebImagePrefetcher.shared.options = [.retryFailed, .lowPriority] // etc
All the options can be found here: