I'm currently working with RaspberryPi-3 with Rasbian installed. I want to auto-reconnect to a network to a specific network. Going through the internet, I found out a way to do it i.e. by editing the interfaces file under /etc/network. I want to edit this file using some script (preferably Python-3). I just need to add these lines to the interfaces file:
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid <my-SSID>
wpa-psk <my-PassKey>
Please help me regarding this issue.
If you have no specific reason to do that in Python I'd suggest a simple shell script like:
cat >> /etc/network/interfaces << EoNet
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid $MYSSID
wpa-psk $WIFIPW
the same in Python 2/3:
with open('/etc/network/interfaces', 'a') as netcfg:
netcfg.write('auto wlan0\n'
'iface wlan0 inet dhcp\n'
' wpa-ssid {}\n'
' wpa-psk {}\n'.format(ssid, wifipw))