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How to find bounds of multiple markers added to leafletLayer

I am working with ngx-leaflet in an Angular 6 project, I draw multiple markers in my map and I want to center and zoom a leaflet map on multiple Markers

In the official doc you can do it by using [L.latlngBounds] and find other solutions using L.featureGroup

Since I am using ngx-leaflet, I don't have L variable, so I can't find latlngBoundsand featureGroup

Here is my component:

import {latLng, tileLayer, polygon, marker, Icon, LatLngBounds} from 'leaflet';

export class CustomComponent implements OnInit {

  options = {
    layers: [
      tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 18})
    zoom: 5,
    center: latLng(46.879966, -121.726909)

  layers = [];
  fitBounds: LatLngBounds;

ngOnInit() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.locations.length; i++) {
        this.layers.push(this.locations[i].y, this.locations[i].x].setIcon(
            new Icon({
                iconSize: [25, 41],
                iconAnchor: [13, 41],
                iconUrl: 'assets/icons/marker-icon.png',
                shadowUrl: 'assets/icons/marker-shadow.png'


And my template:

<div id="map" leaflet

Thanks for your help


  • You have to import it

    If you want to use featureGroup():

    import {featureGroup, latLng, tileLayer, polygon, marker, Icon, LatLngBounds} from 'leaflet';
    const marker1 = marker([51.5, -0.09]);
    const marker2 = marker([50.5, -0.09]);
    const group = featureGroup([marker1, marker2]);

    EDIT: I overlooked the fact your are using ngx

    As you are using ngx-leaflet, you can get the map object in the leafletMapReady event

    Modify your directive:

    <div style="height: 300px;"

    Modify your CustomComponent (adapt this example with the content of your ngOnInit method):

    onMapReady(map: Map) {
        const marker1 = marker([51.5, -0.09]);
        const marker2 = marker([50, -0.09]);
        const group = featureGroup([marker1, marker2]);