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I want to create a zabbix alert for sending email to users if no report ran in past 2 hrs

We have zabbix setup in our unix system. And report is connected to DB2 Database where zabbix alert is setup.Now I want to write a query which will invoke this alert when no records is seen in the output.

That means query will check if anything ran in past 2 hr and return those record.If nothing is there as output it will invoke alert.

select from_tz(to_timestamp(substr(lastmodifytime,1,19), 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI 
SS'),'GMT') at time zone 'US/Pacific',
objectid, parentid, typeid, ownerID, LastModifyTime
where to_date(substr(lastmodifytime,1,19), 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS') > 
sysdate - 2/60/60/24
order by lastmodifytime desc;


  • If your fractional seconds have leading zeroes (i.e. 2019 01 22 13 01 18 002 and not 2019 01 22 13 01 18 2), then ... where lastmodifytime > to_char(current timestamp - 2 hour, 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI FF3').

    Use the line with substr otherwise.

    select *
    from table(values
      to_char(current timestamp - 3 hour, 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI FF3')
    --, to_char(current timestamp - 1 hour, 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI FF3')
    ) c (lastmodifytime)
    lastmodifytime > to_char(current timestamp - 2 hour, 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI FF3')
    --substr(lastmodifytime, 1, 19) > to_char(current timestamp - 2 hour, 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI')
    fetch first 1 row only
    optimize for 1 row

    Uncomment the 2-nd row to have the result indicating that something ran in past 2 hours.