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Hyperledger fabric client credential store using CouchDB

I am using Hyperledger Fabric SDK for node.js to enroll a user. I am using this code to deploy in fabric. It uses FileKeyValueStore (uses files to store the key values) to store client's user credential.
I want to use CouchDBKeyValueStore to store user key in CouchDB database instance. What changes do i need to make in client connection profile configuration file for credential store and in code to do so. Any link to sample code will also help.


  • There is no built-in support in the connection profile for using the CouchDBKeyValueStore, but you can still use the connection profile for the rest of the Fabric network configuration. You'll then need to use the Client APIs to configure the stores. Something like

    const Client = require('fabric-client');
    const CDBKVS = require('fabric-client/lib/impl/CouchDBKeyValueStore.js');
    var client = Client.loadFromConfig('test/fixtures/network.yaml');
    // Set the state store
    let stateStore = await new CDBKVS({url: 'https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<URL>', name: '<DB_NAME>'})
    // Set the crypto store
    const crypto = Client.newCryptoSuite();
    let cryptoKS = Client.newCryptoKeyStore(
          url: 'https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<URL>',
          name: '<DB_NAME>'

    Official document Reference
    Store Hyperledger Fabric certificates and keys in IBM Cloudant with Fabric Node SDK