How do i convert all of the values in this dataframe to ASCII?
I have split a string to individual characters (shown below), and now i would like to convert the values in that data frame to ASCII.
play1 = accounts['Identifier'].dropna()\
.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(list(x))).add_prefix('id_')
which produced the below dataframe:
id_0 id_1 id_2 id_3 id_4 id_5
0 2 7 6 2 2 Nan
1 4 9 8 4 4 6
2 7 6 7 3 Nan Nan
Now i want to convert all of the values in id_ to ASCII.
I have tried using ord() function:
play2 = play1.columns\
.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(ord(x)))
But it does not work. Please assist
Use list comprehension:
play1 = pd.DataFrame([[ord(y) for y in list(x)]
for x in accounts['Identifier'].dropna()]).add_prefix('id_')
print (play1)
id_0 id_1 id_2 id_3 id_4 id_5
0 50 55 54 50 50.0 NaN
1 52 57 56 52 52.0 54.0
2 55 54 55 51 NaN NaN