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Intershop 7.10. - Checkout without payment

In our scenario, it is possible to checkout a cart with a total amount of 0. This means customer should get the item in the cart delivered for free. In this scenario, we would like to skip the payment method selection process, because there is nothing to pay. However, if we don't set the payment method on the basket, we get the following error during order creation:

ERROR localhost ES1 appserver0 [A1-Tomato-Site] [-] com.intershop.component.payment.internal.PaymentServiceBORepositoryImpl [] [Storefront] [0UvmbhgLZVNpN0RNBTznbhh0ZbMJmKzzPr1Slvf9] [tBhm31xHBmEBAAB_-0-00] "tBhm31xHBmEBAAB_-0-00" No payment method is applicable for basket

From the following debugger screenshot it is visible that Total Amount on the basket actually is 0:

enter image description here

Is there some preference that we should toggle or some way to skip the payment selection process for baskets that doesn't require payment processing?


  • Check that you have the zero total payment enabled for your channel. You can enabled this payment method in Operation and then configure it in the channel. Intershop should then selected this as the default payment method if the total is zero.

    enter image description here

    I haven't tested this with the rest apis, but should work the same as the normal storefront.