I've this for loop in my coffeescript:
compareVersions = (current, minimum) ->
console.log('current ', current)
console.log('minimum ', minimum)
current_parts = current.split '.'
minimum_parts = minimum.split '.'
for partIndex in [0..Math.min(current_parts.length, minimum_parts.length)]
console.log('partIndex ', partIndex)
if (+current_parts[partIndex] || 0) < (+minimum_parts[partIndex] || 0)
console.log('current_parts.length1 ', current_parts[partIndex])
console.log('minimum_parts.length1 ', minimum_parts[partIndex])
return false
console.log('PC current_parts.length2 ', current_parts[partIndex])
console.log('PC minimum_parts.length2 ', minimum_parts[partIndex])
It's designed to compare software versions and return false if the current version is lower than the minimum version.
I added the console.log
's to show what's happening.
This is the output I get. In this case the current version is higner than the minimum but the if statement only executes on index 2 which in this case has a lower number for the current than for the minimum.
minimum 3.3.3
partIndex 0
partIndex 1
partIndex 2
current_parts.length1 1
minimum_parts.length1 3
The if statement should execute for each iteration of the for loop. What is wrong here that is preventing this?
The if statement is executing in each iteration of the for loop, but the current_parts.length1 and minimum_parts.length1 are printed when the if statement is true.
The execution of your if statement would be:
3 < 3 false
4 < 3 false
1 < 3 true
print current_parts.length1
print minimum_parts.length1
If you want to show current_parts.length1 and minimum_parts.length1, put them outside of the if statement so you will see the values when the if statement is going to execute.