I am trying to accomplish a PostgreSQL constraint on te following table:
CREATE TABLE contracts
id bigint NOT NULL,
startdate date NOT NULL,
enddate date NOT NULL,
price numeric(19,2) NOT NULL,
deleted boolean NOT NULL,
supplier_id bigint NOT NULL,
It contains contracts for suppliers with different prices. For a given time only one contract can exists for a given supplier. I have made the following constraint to enforce that:
ALTER TABLE contracts ADD CONSTRAINT overlaping_contracts EXCLUDE USING GIST (
supplier_id WITH =,
daterange(startdate, enddate) WITH &&
This ensures that one cannot insert a new contract that overlaps with an already existing contract. Now we also support "soft-deletion" of contracts. This invalidates the old contract and sets the "deleted" flag to true. Now I want to insert a new contract for the same period, but this overlaps triggering the constraint.
I tried to combine a conditional unqiue index with the above constaint but cannot make it work. The documentation on exclusion constraints is quite small.
My instinct tells me I have to add something like
deleted = false
to the exclusion constraint, but I can't find the right syntax to do so.
How can I combine an exclusion constraint with a conditional unique index so I can enforce the overlapping constraint only on rows which have deleted = false?
This should do the trick:
ALTER TABLE contracts ADD CONSTRAINT overlapping_contracts EXCLUDE USING GIST (
supplier_id WITH =,
daterange(startdate, enddate) WITH &&
) WHERE (NOT deleted);
Using this gist https://gist.github.com/fphilipe/0a2a3d50a9f3834683bf