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How to add new JSON column in Postgres

I am trying to add a json type column to the table, but it doesn’t work and I cannot get normal examples, what am I doing wrong?

ALTER TABLE user ADD COLUMN purshased_product SET DATA TYPE JSONB USING purshased_product::JSONB;

I'm not trying to change the column, but just create a new one with json type

@Convert(converter = PurshasedProductConverter.class)
private PurshasedProductConverter[] purshasedProducts;

my variable


  • To add a new column use:

    ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN purshased_product jsonb;

    Online example:

    The set data type and using clauses are only used to modify existing columns.

    Note that useris a reserved keyword. It's a bad idea to create a table with that name. If you insist on that, you have to use double quotes each time you refer to the table (as I did)