Search code examples

Returning rows with comma-separated values by pattern (Oracle SQL)

I have some field with comma-separated values:


Is it possible to select rows with rule: number,number,chars, anything_values?

Result can be:


I'm trying to use REGEXP_LIKE:

with s as (
select '1,2,AA,4,Z'   val from dual
union all
select '1,ZZ,44,A,1'  val from dual
union all
select '1,44,33,AA,Z' val from dual
union all
select '4,2,Z,A,F'    val from dual
union all
select '1.2,4,E,1,1'  val from dual
union all
select 'F,1,3.4,3,A'  val from dual
select val from s where REGEXP_LIKE(val, '(^|,)[[:digit:]](,|$)');


  • Thank you for the CTE.

    Would something like this do?

    • INTER splits every VAL into rows
    • LISTAGG aggregates them back, sorted by numbers and characters

    SQL> with s as (
      2  select '1,2,AA,4,Z'   val from dual
      3  union all
      4  select '1,ZZ,44,A,1'  val from dual
      5  union all
      6  select '1,44,33,AA,Z' val from dual
      7  union all
      8  select '4,2,Z,A,F'    val from dual
      9  union all
     10  select '1.2,4,E,1,1'  val from dual
     11  union all
     12  select 'F,1,3.4,3,A'  val from dual
     13  ),
     14  inter as
     15    (select s.val,
     16            regexp_substr(s.val, '[^,]+', 1, t.column_value) c_one
     17     from s, table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
     18                                 connect by level <= regexp_count(s.val, ',') + 1
     19                                ) as sys.odcinumberlist )) t
     20    )
     21  select i.val, listagg(i.c_one, ',') within group
     22                   (order by case when regexp_like(i.c_one, '^\d+|\.|\d+$') then 1
     23                                  when regexp_like(i.c_one, '^[:alpha:]+') then 2
     24                                  else 3
     25                             end) result
     26  from inter i
     27  group by i.val;
    VAL          RESULT
    ------------ --------------------
    1,2,AA,4,Z   1,2,4,AA,Z
    1,44,33,AA,Z 1,33,44,AA,Z
    1,ZZ,44,A,1  1,1,44,A,ZZ
    1.2,4,E,1,1  1,1,1.2,4,E
    4,2,Z,A,F    2,4,A,F,Z
    F,1,3.4,3,A  1,3,3.4,A,F
    6 rows selected.