I can't get Pyramid's basic authentication mechanism to work for me. Am I doing it wrong?
To debug, I ran this block of code inside one of my views:
print '$$$1', pyramid.security.remember(request, 12)
print '$$$2', pyramid.security.unauthenticated_userid(request)
print '$$$3', pyramid.security.authenticated_userid(request)
Here is the output I got:
$$$1 [('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="45a66a6e860356b991cc8fc8acf9bf7f4d8b3d2212!userid_type:int"; Path=/'), ('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="45a66a6e860356b991cc8fc8acf9bf7f4d8b3d2212!userid_type:int"; Path=/; Domain='), ('Set-Cookie', 'auth_tkt="45a66a6e860356b991cc8fc8acf9bf7f4d8b3d2212!userid_type:int"; Path=/; Domain=.')]
$$$2 None
$$$3 None
I do have request.session working for me, so I'm guessing the problem isn't with the cookies.
Here's the code I use in my __init__
to config Pyramid:
authn_policy = AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy( 'secret', callback=lambda x:[])
engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
my_session_factory = UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig('anothersecret')
config = Configurator(settings=settings, session_factory=my_session_factory,
Please help!
"remember" just returns headers. You need to set these headers into the response. See also this section of Adding Authorization docs, particularly the code sample directly below in line 21 & 22.