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How can I get the eccentricity of only the connected components of a sparse graph despite the infinity rule?

I have a scipy Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrix from which I am trying to extract the eccentricity to see the average distance the information travels. Unfortunately I keep getting infinity when using networkx after transforming it into a networkx graph using : networkx.convert_matrix.from_scipy_sparse_matrix (

Is there a way I can convert the set of labels that is produced from the connected components back to their original values and then perform individual eccentricity formulae on them?


  • Since graph eccentricity is the maximum shortest path distance, its probably just easier and faster to use scipy sparse matrix operations:

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components, shortest_path
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
    def sparse_component_eccentricity(graph, directed=False):
        n_components, labels = connected_components(csgraph=graph, directed=directed, return_labels=True)
        component_eccentricity = np.zeros(graph.shape[0])
        for icomp in range(n_components):
            subgraph_indices = np.where(labels == icomp)[0]
            subgraph = graph[subgraph_indices][:,subgraph_indices]
            dist_matrix = shortest_path(subgraph, directed=directed)
            component_eccentricity[subgraph_indices] = np.nanmax(dist_matrix, axis=1)
        return component_eccentricity