Search code examples

How to "findAllBy{Column}" with HbaseTemplate?

I have been developing my first RESTful server utilizing such technologies as Spring and HBase.

Message below is the core model of my server;

public class Message {

    private final String from;

    private final String to;

    private final long when;


My server should save and find messages into HBase.

I have already made research and read this documentation:

However, it's not enough. The tutorial doesn't expose how to find by a specific column.

Could you provide a code snippet that retrieves a message from HBase based on the following query?

SELECT from, to, when FROM Message WHERE to = {userId} OR from = {userId}


  • There is an example to make a column based query as given below:

    Scan scan = new Scan();
            Filter filter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(HbaseJsonEventSerializer.COLUMFAMILY_FILTERS_BYTES,
                    Bytes.toBytes(columnName), CompareOp.EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes(columnValue));
            List<String> rows  =
            hbaseTemplate.find("searchclicks", scan, new RowMapper<String>() {
                public String mapRow(Result result, int rowNum) throws Exception {
                    byte[] value = result.getValue(
                    if (value != null) {
                        String facetValue = new String(value);
                        LOG.debug("Facet field: {} and Facet Value: {}",
                                new Object[] { columnName, facetValue });
                    return facetValue;

    You can refer this for more examples: