My web app is Angular 7. I have a API endpoint for the user to login and sending requests to this URL and get the answers.
uri = '';
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
signIn(email: string, password: string) {
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
const soapData = '...';`${this.uri}`, soapData, httpOptions)
The structure I want to build is:
If the user has entered his / her information correctly, will be directed to a panel that uses this infrastructure. However, the user cannot login to the panel even if the user is logged in correctly. Because the URL wants some cookie information -it's called 'mysapsso2
'. (I'm sorry, unfortunately my SAP knowledge is less) And bad news: I can't do it because the post method doesn't generate these unique cookies in Angular. (JS can't or I can't?)
I can't touch the backend URL. In this case, how can I get users to login to this panel using only the frontend skills?
The POST request is done with angular is stateless, so even you have done the login, the cookie is not passed to the backend server.
I think the problem is due to cookie session absence. Try to add it manually with an Angular Interceptor.
For more information read this answer.