I have the following list of facts :
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (fact 1 [input_1] 21)
f-2 (fact 1 [input_2] 28)
f-3 (fact 1 [input_3] 10)
f-4 (fact 1 [input_4] 25)
f-5 (fact 1 Normal Operation!)
f-6 (fact 2 [input_1] 7)
f-7 (fact 2 [input_2] 25)
f-8 (fact 2 [input_3] 13)
f-9 (fact 2 [input_4] 15)
f-10 (fact 2 adder a1 error!)
f-11 (fact 3 [input_1] 11)
f-12 (fact 3 [input_2] 17)
f-13 (fact 3 [input_3] 24)
f-14 (fact 3 [input_4] 31)
f-15 (fact 3 multiplier p1 error!)
Is there a way to somehow choose and print from all these facts the ones that contain only the number and the type of error? For example I want to print in increasing order:
1 Normal Operation!
2 adder a1 error!
3 multiplier p1 error!
Note that I actually have more facts and the order that they are in the fact list is not in increasing order as I have shown. So I have to somehow make it increasing.
CLIPS (6.31 2/3/18)
(deffacts initial
(fact 1 [input_1] 21)
(fact 1 [input_2] 28)
(fact 1 [input_3] 10)
(fact 1 [input_4] 25)
(fact 1 Normal Operation!)
(fact 2 [input_1] 7)
(fact 2 [input_2] 25)
(fact 2 [input_3] 13)
(fact 2 [input_4] 15)
(fact 2 adder a1 error!)
(fact 3 [input_1] 11)
(fact 3 [input_2] 17)
(fact 3 [input_3] 24)
(fact 3 [input_4] 31)
(fact 3 multiplier p1 error!))
(deffunction compare-1st (?f1 ?f2)
(> (nth$ 1 (fact-slot-value ?f1 implied))
(nth$ 1 (fact-slot-value ?f2 implied))))
(defrule print
(bind ?facts
(find-all-facts ((?f fact))
(not (instance-namep (nth$ 2 ?f:implied)))))
(bind ?facts (sort compare-1st ?facts))
(foreach ?f ?facts
(bind ?data (fact-slot-value ?f implied))
(printout t (implode$ (first$ ?data)) " "
(implode$ (rest$ ?data)) crlf)))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
1 Normal Operation!
2 adder a1 error!
3 multiplier p1 error!