As mentioned in this other question, I'd like to start Windbg
, open a dump, and launch some commands (.load pykd.pyd
and !py
I thought this would be easy, but even starting Windbg
and open a crash dump seems not that easy, as you can see from following unsuccessful examples:
Prompt>windbg.exe /?
Prompt>windbg.exe --help
Prompt>windbg.exe E:\Bugs\program.exe_181212_215503.dmp
Prompt>windbg.exe -D E:\Bugs\program.exe_181212_215503.dmp
Prompt>windbg.exe -zertyuiopqsdfghjklwxcvbn
Prompt>windbg.exe -help
Prompt>windbg.exe help
The idea is to get something like:
Prompt>windbg.exe -d <dumpfile> -c <command1;command2>
it is documented and available in both windbg.chm as well as command prompt -?
note i use it on cdb which is console mode not on windbg
windbg -? , -h , --help , /? , -B#llCr@p
everything should should pop up the debugger.chm (broken in 17763 but check say 14951)
C:\>cdb -? | grep -i dump
-openPrivateDumpByHandle <HANDLE>
specifies the handle of a crash dump file to debug
-z <CrashDmpFile> specifies the name of a crash dump file to debug
-zd <CrashDmpFile> specifies the name of a crash dump file to debugand
deletes that crash dump after the debugger has finished
crash dump
asking to create a dump
C:\>cdb -c ".dump /ma dominidumpi.dmp;q" cdb
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17763.132 X86
774a05a6 cc int 3
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '.dump /ma dominidumpi.dmp;q'
Creating dominidumpi.dmp - mini user dump
Dump successfully written
loading a dump doing something and quitting
C:\>cdb -c "lm;q" -z dominidumpi.dmp
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17763.132 X86
Loading Dump File [C:\dominidumpi.dmp]
User Mini Dump File with Full Memory: Only application data is available
774a05a6 cc int 3
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'lm;q'
start end module name
01250000 01278000 cdb (deferred)
5b360000 5b4ef000 dbghelp (deferred)
5b4f0000 5b5cc000 ucrtbase (deferred)
5b5d0000 5bbac000 dbgeng (deferred)
77400000 7753c000 ntdll (pdb symbols) xxx\ntdll.pdb
775a0000 775aa000 lpk (deferred)