I am painting to PictureBox but the problem is my painting (text) overflow from picture box. How can I write to the next line?
private string idbul(string gelenid)
string id = gelenid;
string[] malzeme = id.Split(' ');
string mal_id = malzeme[0];
mal_id = mal_id.Replace(" ", "");
return mal_id;
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
using (Font myFont = new Font("Arial", 8))
string id = idbul(comboBox1.Text);
string tanim = tanimbul(comboBox1.Text);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string tarih = now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
e.Graphics.DrawString("SKYLAB TEKNOLOJİ", myFont, Brushes.Black, new Point(2, 145));
e.Graphics.DrawString("ÜRÜN KODU: " + id, myFont, Brushes.Black, new Point(2, 160));
e.Graphics.DrawString("Tanım : " + tanim, myFont, Brushes.Black, new Point(2, 175));
e.Graphics.DrawString("Tarih : "+tarih, myFont, Brushes.Black, new Point(2, 190));
private string tanimbul(string p)
string id = p;
string[] malzeme = id.Split(' ');
malzeme[0] = "";
string mal_id = String.Join(" ", malzeme);
return mal_id;
The string variable "tanim" can be long text so it is overflowing. From the screenshot, you can see the problem.
In DrawString you can specify the bounding rectangle (kind of like margins) see here
edit* I looked into it more, the word wrapping only happens for actual words, as in it won't wrap in the middle of a word, only at the end of a word and before the start of the next word.
You can also try getting the length of the tanim (tanim.Length) and writing a separate DrawString if its longer than what will fit into your box.
something like this:
drawstring("tanim : "+tanim.substring(0,x),font,brush,firstlinestart);
where x is the number of characters you can have fit onto the first line.